Timothy Geithner: Tax cheat, liar, marxist/communist, former President of the Federal Reserve Bank in New York, HUGE player in the AIG and Bear Sterns bailout - good buddy of Odumbo. This fuckin' guy (using my best fake Jersey accent) who was not only a Kissinger Associate, but also served as an attache at the United States Embassy in Tokyo and has spent his life working in the world of financial markets and government agencies. He is the same dipshit that would testify that he used TURBO TAX to do his 2001 taxes which did not correctly figure them and caused him not to pay the tax he owed. Really? With all of your financial expertise and experience and highly coveted positions in the international financial markets, you expect us to believe that you had to use Turbo Tax to figure your taxes? Yeah, ok, and I'm Miss America!! NOT!
This guy makes me sick. He also has an uncanny resemblance to the actor Tom Goldwyn who played the bad guy in the movie Ghost with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore. See below:
Anyway, I'm reading the news and this tax cheating SOB actually has the nerve to say that rich people should pay more in taxes just for the privilege of being an American. WTF? Are you freaking kidding me? After this moron doesn't pay his back taxes for 4 years, he has the nerve to say that rich people have an obligation to pay for the privilege of being an American. This fuckin' guy.....it's not enough that he is a tax cheat or that he had a huge role in the financial meltdown and bailouts or for his Keynesian bullshit that has all but killed our country's economy, he has to further insult the American people with this class warfare drivel. Hey, Geithner, how much was your salary when you were President of the NY Fed bank? $398,000.00? Oh yes and you didn't pay your share until you were tapped for the Secretary of the Treasury post. You probably wouldn't have paid it if the American people hadn't found out about it. What should have happened, Mr. Geithner, is we should have strung you up by your ginormous nostrils and hung you upside until the money fell out of your pockets. What a hypocrite! He thinks the top 3% of earners should pay - get this - 97% of their earnings to the federal government. If this man isn't a commie bastard, I don't know what he is! See below:
This jerk says that you have to generate more revenue through tax reform (which really means by raising taxes) then you have to achieve fiscal sustainability through deeper cuts in national security, for example. Well, douche-canoe, here's an idea: if you need to generate more revenue, shouldn't you do it by allowing the private sector to create more taxpayers? It's really a no brainer! Almost half of the people in this country pay no taxes. Can you imagine the revenue that would be generated if everyone paid taxes?? Even if some paid only 10%. Get the hell out of our way and let us, the private sector, get things moving again! And another thing; why do these guys keep attacking the rich? They can't freakin' stand the rich people in this country and it's really sad. Most of the rich people these days earned their money through hard work and sacrifice and their own blood, sweat and tears. What is so bad about that? I never understood why people like teachers and computer geeks and office workers, etc.. who went to college and got their degrees to work in a field they love at, a job they love, are so jealous of the people that are wealthy. I mean, if you really can't stand the fact that you are not as wealthy as they are then why didn't you major in something that would guarantee you would be or could get rich instead of the career paths you chose? YOU CHOSE YOUR PATH! Why make someone else pay for what you didn't achieve, BY CHOICE, in your life?! Now if you're like me, you may have seen that being rich doesn't necessarily guarantee happiness and contentment and you aren't really interested in being rich anyway, but I sure as hell don't hold it against someone if they have money running out of their ass. I am not college educated but I am smart enough to know that no matter what, there will always be different "classes" of people no matter how much the liberals say otherwise. They can talk up "income inequality" all they want but even in the most socialist and/or communist of countries, NO ONE is equal to everyone else. There will always be some people that have more than others and that is just fine as long as they have earned it the right way - the honest way. If you want to be rich, figure out a way to be rich and make it happen. Quit sitting on your ass bitching about you don't have this and it's not fair that they have that. If capitalism is so bad and has never worked, like Odumbo claims, then how the hell did we become the wealthiest nation in the world with the highest number of millionaires and billionaires in the world? How did we become the most powerful nation in the world? The most generous nation in terms of giving money to hungry children and third world countries that have been hit hard by famine and drought and anything else that may have happened?. Who do they come to first when someone gets stuck inside a mine in Chile? AMERICA! Why? Because someone in America has the equipment and the ideas and the knowledge to dig someone of there and they don't! How is it that countries such as Europe and Japan and Asia have never produced the kind of wealth and power that the USA has? Because socialism and communism don't work. They kill the spirit of the people. Just look at them now.
Mr. Geithner, I just want you to know that personally I think you're a sneaky little sleaze ball of a man and I use the term "man" loosely. You do not deserve to be an American, you belong in China or Russia or Venezuela. There is no doubt in my mind that you know exactly what you're doing and what your policies have done to us. I know it's all part of the plan to bring down America and I cannot wait until you are gone and Ron Paul takes your spot! The sooner you and your ilk are out of the way, the better. If I had my way, you would be under the jail. No....I'd put you in San Quentin and let those guys take care of you.
Ok, my rant is finished.
"These" guys say all kinds of BS to get support. Oh yeah, I'm sure this fat cat REALLY wants the rich to pay 97%. (like that's going to happen anyway?). He's like most politicians, if his lips are moving, it's going to be a lie. And those lips say different things depending on the audience.
ReplyDeleteI don't have a problem with the rich in America, as long as they earned legitimately, like Jobs, or Zuckerman, or?, but if they're rich from bail out bonuses, offloading American jobs bonuses, or Any kind of sleeze bag dealings, they suk and they're a big problem with this country. Too much: "Hooray for me!, to he'll with everybody else. (I also don't particularly admire those who are rich by inheritance alone, if they look down on those less fortunate). But to the ones that made it the good old fashioned way and are rich, u are what makes this country great, I admire u, and no, u shouldn't be taxed 97%, just as this tax cheating bastard shouldn't be where he is at, or move his lips about how taxes!
Do as I say, not as I do.