Tonight is a slow night for me. Not slow as in there's nothing to write about, there is PLENTY to write about. I'M the one that is slow. I don't feel like getting into a big, long schpiel about this and that and how one person is a butthole and the other is the answer to our problems. I'm just not into it tonight. Tomorrow will be a different story as I AM GOING TO SEE RON PAUL AT THE WILL ROGERS MEMORIAL CENTER!!!!WOOOHOOOOO!!!!! Omg, I cannot wait, it's going to be so cool! But on a more serious note, I would like to give a shout out to Rick Santorum. Shifty has not been a very desirable candidate for me in this race and he's too quick to bypass the constitution for HIS agenda but I do want to say that I think he's an incredibly devoted father to his children and I sincerely wish and pray for the very best for him and his family. I know his suspension of his candidacy is a real blow to him but he's doing it for sake of Bella and the rest of the Santorum clan. I admire him for putting his family first. My prayers are being sent, Shifty. May all of your prayers be answered in the way you want. I will also pray for the health of your Bella as we all hold our children a little closer tonight.
OKAY! Back to our regularly scheduled programming, I just have to say, I can no longer listen to Sean Hannity, not even for 5 minutes. I mean, sometimes, if there's nothing good on the radio music wise while I'm driving to pick up my kids, I'll have it on Hannity just for background noise. Or sometimes I will have had the station on Rush at lunch and it's still on at 5. Normally I just can't stand the way he talks over people and he doesn't let anyone speak if he doesn't like what they're saying. Shows weakness if you ask me. So today and every other &#^%! day for the last 8 days, there is nothing but Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman talk on Sean Hannity. I am so SICK of listening to it. BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH yes we know, he got shot, the media blew it out of proportion and all involved need to be freaking fired for what they did. It's just a freaking shameful (notice how I'm trying to clean up my language, mom?) thing the way the media have taken this story and turned it into a race thing. From what I hear, even Trayvon's parents are worried at how people are behaving - namely the others in the black community that have been primed for a fight by the media and Al Sharpton and the new Black Panthers. Lord have mercy, I heard a radio bit from a New Black Panthers dude and all they're calling for is blood and rioting and to kill Whitey. It's sad that they have all played into the liberal's hands. Calm the BLEEP down, y'all. Geez! Ugh! I told myself I wasn't going to waste any breath on this story and look what I did. Back to my original plan....
I heard a clip today on Obama's speech about America needs to make a choice on which way it wants to go in the future. SMH! Choosing freedom over tyranny is a no-brainer to me. I'm just sayin'. I read an article that was written by a former student that when he taught constitutional law at Harvard or wherever it was he taught, La-La-Land, he basically concentrated on the 14th amendment which was to grant citizenship and protect the civil liberties of former slaves and prohibited states from infringing on their right to life, liberty and property and the right to due process and equal protection under the law. How ironic. The same man that spent so much time on that amendment yet doesn't bat an eye at signing the NDAA bill or insisting that American citizens be included in it. There goes that amendment along with the 4th, 5th and 6th amendments. Yes, I know I've already written about it but since it's a big fucking deal, I wrote about it again. (Sorry, Mom) How about I give you the bird, Obama, and you just shut up?
What else......what else......Oh yes, Newt Gingrich told the press today that now that Shifty is out of the way, he is the ONLY conservative candidate left in this race. Excuse me. I seem to recall another man STILL IN THE RUNNING, you moron! Yes, that is Ron Paul! Why does he keep getting ignored and blacked out by the media?? It makes no sense. Especially when you see pictures like this one taken today at Texas A&M University!!
Really?? 3000 college students - ALL VOTING AGE -thank you, Lord! None of the other guys draw a crowd like Ron Paul and it gives me great hope for the youth of this country. When Obama campaigns, he NEVER talks about the constitution and what OUR rights are, only what the government should do for us and what THEY can do to us. let me show you another one:
I cannot wait to be a part of a crowd like this tomorrow night. I'm taking my 15 yr old daughter with me so she can hear it from THE MAN since she will never hear about it in school. Freedom is the answer, people. Liberty is the way. This country did not become the great country it is by being Europe and our decline began when we started with all the entitlements and experimenting with a socialist/capitalist system. It doesn't work, obviously. Leave us alone and let US fix things as we always have before. Just leave us the hell alone! Chris Christie was right, today. I can't stand Chris Christie as he is a RINO himself but he called it right today when he said that we are becoming a nation of whiny, lazy people who sit on the couch and wait for their government check. It's pathetic. We should be encouraging people to work for what they want - we always have before! Did you know that if you make $49k a year or less, you qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit and can get up to $5700 back from the IRS. Excuse me?? Are they serious? Man, I remember 7 years ago, i was making $40k a year and I was told that I didn't qualify for the EIC because I made too much money. I had to make below $30k. SEVEN years ago. This government wants us to depend solely on them - screw that. I'll depend on myself, thanks. Please vote Ron Paul. Pilsbury Dough Boy and Dimwitt Romney are not the answer to prosperity or freedom. YOU are. I am. We the People are the answer.
Somehow, we need more Jobs that will pay enough for people to make a good living. When these entitlement programs pay as much if not more than many of the available jobs out there, yes, you're going to have people sitting on their butts waiting on a check. This sucks indeed. I'd like think that more of them would go to work if better paying jobs were there, but maybe I'm living in dreamland? I know some New Orleans refugees that r living off the gubament, and day lives pretty good.
ReplyDeleterestodan...Rubio said it best: "the solution isn't more taxes, it's more tax payers"
DeleteAmen, AG and Dan. If the government would just leave us alone, we would have more higer paying jobs. But it's also up to the people to get a regular job and a second job if they have to or want to live a certain lifestyle. I had two jobs not long ago and I'm a better person for it. I know a dude that makes my sammiches at subway and one night, I walked in to Bueno and there he was making my tostada! I thought that said a lot about him. I have much more respect for someone that does what they have to do instead of the minimum of what they should do.
DeleteSweet! I needed me a Conservative Jenny fix. I will tell ya, I check your blog every morning while drinking coffee before work, just like I do all my news and sports sites!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe we're going to get Romney...the big time Rhino and author of Romneycare that actually lost to John McCain last go-round. Seriously...4 years after the disaster of Obabble and we're going to put this loser up against ODumbo?
I don't accept that the nomination is Romney's. There are too many conservatives who adamantly oppose him. There are three people left in the race and we will see a surge of support for one of the other two. It may very well end up being Paul as the last man standing. Although I vehemently disagree with his foreign policy, he's multiple degrees better than Romney domestically. This drama has yet to fully play out. Looking forward to tonight.
ReplyDeleteI just corrected all the typos and rambling sentences in my post. My goodness that was quite a feat, LOL. Note to self: do not blog before bed, your mind doesn't work well.
ReplyDeleteAdrian - THANK YOU!! I don't accept Romney as the nominee, either. The "establishment" is doing everything they can to make us think this race is over and it's not over, not by any means. There are still two others in this race that will give Romeny a run for his money and I, personally, am betting on a major upset within the establishment. We're onto them. We know what's going on. There are more people now involved with our political landscape than ever before because of the damage caused by the Marxist left. I hope that the country is ready to circle our wagons and take care of ourselves first before any other country. It's the only way to ensure our survival. Why put another nation before our own? Bring on the non-interventionism until we are standing firmly - FIRMLY - on our own two feet. The founding fathers didn't want it any other way. And this is why.
Hannah and I will see you tonight, btw! WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!