Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Lying Game - When Elected Officials Should Listen Up

Finally, I'm back!  I have been sick with the flu for 8 days so I haven't even tried to attempt to make a new post that is coherent enough to follow - or bother with.  My son and I were both sick at the same time and then my daughter gets tonsilitis!  Whatthehell?  All I can say is thank GOD that shit's over with.  Now if I could just get rid of the cough, I'll be ok.  I sound like a congested seal every time I get excited or laugh.  My daughter says I sound like an old man.  I told her she sounds like an annoying goose.  ;-)  Kidding.

Earlier today, I had an interesting conversation with a -ahem- liberal(who turns out to be a really nice guy, btw) and I thought it would make an excellent subject for tonight's long awaited blog.  heehee.  We talked about the Wendy Davis issue that happened today.  Wendy Davis is the District 10 Texas State Representative and she is a democrat.  Ms. Davis is nice but she's a liberal and just doesn't get it most of the time.  She does listen to her constituents but her constituents are liberal and mostly depend on her to get free government stuff.  If I am wrong, please feel free to post your comment below.  Anyway, this morning her office was fire-bombed by some crazy ex-teacher that lost his mind a few years ago.  At least that is what they are claiming he is. Remember that muslim army major in Fort Hood, Nidal Malik Hassan, that opened fire on his troops?  The media and the White House downplayed that and called it "workplace violence" instead of a terrorist attack even after reports said he shouted Allahu Akbar or what the heck ever it is they say, and finding out that he was in contact with Anwar Alaqui, a radical imam, a known terrorist, wanted by the US.  As far as I know, postal workers don't say Allahu Akbar when they go postal, do they? Workplace violence - give me a break.  They lie.  THEY LIE!  Now, I'm no conspiracy theorist and, frankly, I can't stand people who are, but with the media's lying ways and they lying ways of press secretaries and so forth, you just can't believe anything the media puts out there anymore.  I posted on Facebook that in my opinion, these elected officials better start listening to The People and taking us more seriously or more acts of violence should be expected.  I also stated that I AM NO ADVOCATE OF VIOLENCE but this is the kind of thing that happens when government starts infringing on  the rights of its citizens and is a threat to their way of life, their liberty and their freedom. One in the same, I know.  But I surely don't expect this stuff to stop any time soon and I fear that it's going to get much worse and more frequent that our elected officials are going to be targeted.  Someone brought up the fact that there are other ways for us to take care of these officials and it's called "voting".  Ok, sure, we can vote these suckers out but with every new one that's been voted in they have also lied to their constituents about who they are and what their real intentions are.  There are only so many times you can vote someone out before you realize they are mostly all in it together.  They become Washingtonized when they get there if they didn't already have the intent before.  

This person that I was going back and forth with posed an interesting question in response to my saying that this kind of thing is bound to happen when elected officials "go rouge":  "The People" have the right to elect whomever they choose, and they do so. When "The People" don't like them and vote them out of office, that *does* work -- they are out. So, if someone is disgruntled with an elected official, to whom should his/her ire be directed, the official or "The People"?  Then he went on to point out that both The People and the elected ones are both to blame for the outcome of the elected person's actions.  He also stated that some of these elected persons are chosen to represent the wants and desires of their constituent base and are truly doing so.  Thus, we cannot direct our anger at an elected person who is simply acting according to his constituent base's desires.  Let me just point out a few things I have a problem with on that.  Pull up a chair:

First - I'm not an idiot - I know there are very liberal people that vote in very liberal officials because they want a very liberal government to do very liberal things.  And that's fine as long as it follows the constitutional guidelines.  I believe you can meet some of the needs of your constituents without breaking the law and the first and foremost responsibility of the elected person is to protect and defend the Constitution - no questions asked.  I would really like to go to a town hall meeting some day and hear someone tell their elected person that they want  (A) to be provided by the government from now on and the elected official to turn around and say "I'm sorry but I can't do that.  Those powers are not granted to me by the Constitution and, in fact, prohibits government from getting involved in that."  I would hold that elected person up on a pedestal forever if I witnessed that exchange. I would love it if both democrats and republicans remembered that and actually followed that rule.  STOP VIOLATING YOUR OATH OF OFFICE, YOU JERKS!

Second - How many times have we seen someone run on a platform of responsibility and accountability and transparency only to see them do the exact opposite when they get to D.C. or their state capitals?  About a gazillion!!  The lying is so out of control on both sides, it's sickening!  These guys can't run on honesty and integrity because they have none - with the exception of guys like Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Jim DeMint and a few others.  A very few others.  I mean, think about it.  Would these guys have won their elections if they ran on the platform to not only run us so deeply into debt but on a platform that will ultimately shred their constitutional rights as they have been in the last 10 years?  NO ONE has run on the platform to pass NDAA or SOPA or the Patriot Act or to suppress any kind of free speech.  They wouldn't have made it to the primaries.  Yet, that's what they've done.  They've spent all of our money, they have shredded our 10th amendment rights, our 4th, 5th and 6th amendment rights, TRIED to shred the 2nd amendment right but Fast and Furious backfired and they had to let it go.  Now they are working on limiting our 1st amendment rights to free speech.  If no one can see any of these things, they are either stupid or blind or they can't handle the truth.

Third - A huge part of our problem is the media, as well.  They have been just as evasive, dishonest and agenda crazy as the elected persons that lie to their constituents.  The media is not going to print everything that is really going on.  AL -JAZEERA won the George Polk award for best journalism in the US for Christ's sake!  Come to think of it, the liberal media outlets are the ones handing out these awards so that probably means squat.  Anyway, my point is if the media is lying to us and the government is lying to us and our elected persons are lying to us, HOW do we make it stop?  You can't vote out media and the media knows this so they keep printing crap stories, out and out lies about the deficits, the debt, the economy, peoples' backgrounds, etc..  They make entertainment for us and make stars out of rich girls that make sex tapes of some football player peeing on her so we have the "escandalo" effect.  But they won't print or make films about where our money is going, to what foreign entities they're going to and what they're doing with it.  They don't even let us know what our government is doing and paying for HERE half the time unless some rogue reporter goes out to do his own investigation and ultimately ends up taking down a HUGE organization that launders money and cheats the taxpayer and the IRS so someone can own and legally operate a brothel and get a tax break.  They have all been lying to us since the 60s and so much so that when we actually get a good piece of journalism, a real story that provides facts and names and all that stuff, it came from the INTERNET.  Why do you think they tried to pass SOPA?  That would have severely limited the content of news that is normally available at the tip of your fingers.  Thank GOD for the internet!  Now if we can just keep John McCain away from it, we might get to keep it.


Fourth - This goes back to my first point:  Our elected officials who are elected to represent the majority of their constituents are sometimes given posts that will ultimately write laws and pass legislation that will affect not only the people they were sent to represent but will also affect everyone else in the country.  People like Nancy Pelosi, Speaker; Max Baucus (drunk bastard in the video above) who holds several committee posts, no one can possibly name them all but here they are:  along with many others like John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Joe Barton, idiot that HE is, and a long list of other nincompoops who refuse to listen to anyone other than themselves.  If they are going to write laws that affect ALL of us, then they need to be prepared to ANSWER to all of us and to listen to the majority when they speak.  I cannot tell you how many times I called these people's offices only to be told that since I am not in their state or districts, they will not speak to me or respond to my inquiries.  Really?  Oh, ok, so you can write a law that will basically make my life much more difficult but I can't call you to give you my opinion on it?  That is plain fucked up!  I actually had to start lying and give a fake name with a correct zip code from one of their districts before their staff would let me even leave a message.  Even when a majority of the American people voice their dismay at a piece of legislation, the elected persons refuse to listen and they walk right over us.  Their excuses are always the same:  "We know what's better for you, better than you." and the other favorite "You're not in my district, please call YOUR representative."  Sorry, that's wrong.  So wrong on every level.

The American People are getting fed up more and more every day and it's slowly but surely coming to a head.  At what point does someone think they have no other choice but to take the law into their own hands and stop them on their own?  That's what our 2nd amendment right was made for: to ensure we keep the other 9, right? LOL.  Again, I am not advocating violence and I'm not making a call to arms and suggesting people go to DC and "take care" of it, I am simply saying that when you back The People into a corner and you start infringing on their personal liberties and their individual rights and reaching too far into people's lives, they are not going to stand for it very long before they snap.  Just look at all the other countries that are oppressed and what happens when government goes to far.  They riot, they kill and they don't stop until government police goes in and hammers them.  Why would America be any different?  We've already  had one revolution to stop the oppression and the tyranny we were living under.  I'm just saying our elected people better start changing their tunes before things get really ugly.  God help us if things get to that point. And let me just say one more time I am NOT advocating violence and I am NOT justifying the molotov cocktail that was thrown at Wendy Davis's office this morning.  I am simply making an observation and that is all.


  1. Excellent Jen, this may be your best blog yet.

    First, I wanted to give you props. Second: Odumbo didn't lie to us...he said himself his goal was to fundamentally change America and boy is he doing his best to stick to that pledge. Third thing is that your post does highlight the importance of your friends comment: we HAVE to elect people of integrity and Conservative values that WILL keep their word and get our Country back on track and hold the Constitution dear. Fourth, I was listening to Rush yesterday and he brought up a good point. The whole rise of the Tea Party was due to George Bush's straying from his pledge and our Party's position. His big spending, TARP, bailout ways just aren't in line with real conservatism. I think we have to get the Tea Party fired up and involved...hopefully its fire hasn't subsided now that we're in the most crucial moment of our Country (election year).

    Great post and I love your passion!

  2. Thanks, AG. But I wasn't really talking about Odumbo as much as I was the people in congress and the state reps. Odumbo told us exactly what he was going to do when he said it was time to "remake" America. But he did say he was going to take care of the debt, tackle the deficit and get us working again. 3 things that he has actually worsened since he's been in office. Yes, Bush was a big reason for the rise of the Tea Party but he's merely a pawn used by the likes of Barney Frank and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi - those three people caused more trouble than anyone that has every been in our government. What I would like to know is how do we hold them to their word once they get elected? HOW do we hold them to the constitution? I want to find a way to arrest Joe Barton for signing on to the NDAA bill that was passed because it wipes out so many of our constiutional rights, he broke is Oath of Office. I think these people should be arrested but unfortunately, we can't. I've read the law and I think I have found a way around it, I just need to find a lawyer who's willing to give it a shot. For free, LOL. I can't afford a lawyer. The Tea Party is still involved in many aspects and always will be - my favorite is FreedomWorks. Matt Kibbe is a maniac and he's doing great things. Check them out.

    1. After they're in, they're in. There ain't jack we can do. Which is why I'm really nervous about Romney(care). I just don't trust him and I can see the waffling and broken promises coming already.

      That's why it's important to get the right elected official the first time. However, I see what you're saying...the prospect of successfully doing that with politicians these days seems unlikely.

  3. Well I didn't tie my or Rush's point together very well. The Tea Party success was due to Bush's failures (another lying elected official sort of) and straying from the party line AND due to the BS of the current administration.

    This all underlines to the importance of electing the right folks and how important elections are.

    I saw yesterday the Tea Party has now endorsed Romney? WTF is going on around here. Something smells rotten in Denmark.

  4. I wish you could edit this stuff after publishing it. :0 When I type I let it flow...I need to take more time to preview it before publishing. haha

  5. I got what you were saying and you are right. I don't know if Bush was lying or if he was just truly stupid and believed the hype of the whole "meltdown". I can't tell with that guy, LOL.

    A few Tea Party groups have endorsed Mitt because they are stupid. Ron Paul said on Leno the other night that Mitt does have the delegates for THOSE elections but they've committed to him for ONE primary. In other words, the delegates promised their votes to him for the state primaries that he's been winning BUT at the next primary, the one that decides the nominee, he's thinking the delegates will vote their conscience and he (RP) will pick up all the delegates. Some of these Tea Partiers can be swayed even when a candidate has a health care law of his own and it's baffling to me how they can throw their support behind this guy. Mitt's improving on his speeches, I guess that's why they are starting to like him more. He says what they want to hear. I just want to grab those TPers by the throat and shake really hard!
