This is my boy! My sweet, irritating, basket handing (never mind) little Ross. Only he's not so little anymore. I went to a meeting for him today at his school and walked out feeling a little lost - almost the same feeling I had last year when I told Dr. C. and his CSC group to kiss my ass while I walked out their door for the last time. I had no idea where I was going to take my son for school for the fall 2011 year and after fighting and kicking and screaming was able to get him into his current school. I knew it was on a year-to-year basis because he doesn't live in the area where the school is but I was still under the impression that as long as he does well in the TAP program, he should be able to stay. Well, not so fast. It seems that he may not be able to stay after all. Four kids are leaving to go on to high school and there will be new kids coming in which means Ross's spot might be taken by a "feeder" kid; a kid that attends an elementary school that automatically feeds into the middle school that Ross attends now.
We have worked so hard to get into this school and he's done so well and has made some friends (and enemies, lol) and actually loves going to school there. He still has quite a bit of trouble and we have concluded that Ross needs a smaller classroom with fewer kids to get the most he can from his school work. I told them at the beginning of the year Ross was not ready for 6th grade curriculum work as he was working on only a 3rd grade level but they were able to modify his work and make it easier for him to get through. I hate to say this but I actually long for the days when he was at CSC and I knew that he was doing well there. He's just not ready for big classes or lots of kids around him.
Now I have to find a new school. It won't be in FWISD if we have to go somewhere else. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind putting him in the one by my parents house but that school is a Spanish speaking school now. They teach SOME of the classes in English, but mostly in Spanish and all the kids talk to each other in Spanish. How is my son, who already has Expressive/Receptive Language Disorder, going to make friends or understand social cues or handle being mainstreamed in some classes if no one speaks any English? Can you imagine the confusion for him? And before any of you liberal friends of mine dare say I'm just being racist, think about all the points I just made. How can my son learn and socialize with people that he can't understand? The other school is in a really, really bad part of town and my son would be beaten up on a daily basis. So that's a no-go as well. Now I'm back to square one, beating my head against a wall.
Our school system is so fucked, it's not even funny. I can't help but think if the administrators and the superintendents didn't make so much ($340k per year for the superintendent??) and the unions didn't give all these lavish benefits at our expense and the federal government would step back and let the districts and parents decide what and how to teach our kids, there might actually be money available to fund more than 3 flippin' schools in the ISD with TAP units as the TEA insists we do anyway. It's the law that they have to provide services. My son cannot get services in a safe, English speaking school even though I pay taxes so that the ISD can provide those services to him if needed. And they are needed! I told my mom today on the phone that if parents were to take over the school budget and be in charge of pay, benefits, curriculum and programs, we could do a way better job that the Dept of Education ever could. But nope! We don't have the right to have a say as to how the schools are run or how our kids are educated. This is disgusting. My kid isn't the only one, either. How many kids are diagnosed every day with autism? How many are coming into all the ISDs? Why are there only THREE schools in Fort Worth, population 300,000 + people, with a TAP unit? 1 out of 130 kids are diagnosed with autism or other learning delay and we can only choose from 3 schools in the whole damn city?? Man, something is WRONG!
Now I may just have to put my son in Weatherford ISDs TAP program. There's no other choice for us if we lose our spot here. I'll have to make a 48 mi drive to and from every day just so he can get a modified education.
Jennifer Hall, the lady I have been helping campaign for this past month, has won her election and is now the permanant (until the next election) Tarrant County GOP Chairwoman. We are all excited that she was able to pull this off and it was a lot of fun being a part of the team that helped get her elected. I kind of feel like I didn't get to do enough for the campaign but I know that my hard work did help in some small way. I am actually amazed at the dedication and energy a lot of the group members had for this sort of thing and the time they were able to put in is really incredible. Kudos to each and every one of those that worked on this team and an special shout-out for Jennifer, herself, for basically being a volunteer for the republican party and the future of Texas and the United States. If only we had more people like her, politics wouldn't be so freakin' horrible! I just hope that the members of the TCGOP that have been there for several years will be able to see that she's doing a great job and get on board with her and not rescind their support simply because she refuses to support the status-quo. Congratulations, Jennifer! I hope you will change the world of Texas politics. :-)
Onto other news - this is complete and total bullshit, too - I am amazed at the amount of support Joe Barton, David Dewhurst, Kay Granger and countless other establishment politicians were allowed to keep their positions last night. I tried to find some pictures of these morons with devil horns and other fun edits but I couldn't. Yet! Anyway, I am continuously amazed at how stupid voters are and I am ashamed that I used to be as stupid as they are. Joe Barton and Kay Granger have both supported the NDAA, CISPA, TAARP, HR347 and the Patriot Act. These are all unconstitutional laws that should have never been passed and, in my opinion, they should be brought up on charges of treason and violating their Oath of Office in protecting and defending the Constitution. They are domestic enemies and maybe they should be subject to the NDAA bill on the grounds of terrorism. Yeah, I think I like that idea! Let's give them a taste of their own medicine and see how they like not having freedom of speech, the right to due process or the right to privacy. These fucking morons! Also, David Dewhurst, the RINO of the election, is a movin' on up so he can collect his $174k annual salary for life while he makes his deals and joins the likes of John Boehner, Lindsay Graham, Eric Cantor, Max Baucus and countless other congressional douche-canoes! I am disgusted at the lot of them and I hope a lightening bolt comes out of the sky and blasts all of their skulls. :-) That would make me happy.
The reason I am amazed at the voters that keep them in office is because during all of my blockwalking and all of the people I have talked to, most of them were pretty informed as to who was doing what in DC and who is responsible for the mess we're in. It was encouraging to know that so many people have woken up and started paying attention to what's happening in our country. Then after seeing last night's results, I was incredibly disappointed and my hopes had been dashed that there weren't enough people out there willing to make the necessary changes. Every so often, I would come across people that said they vote for the person first on the list or they vote for the name they think sounds the best or they just vote straight republican or democrat ticket no matter what. It's hard to bite your tongue when you need their vote for something. I think I already wrote about this sort of thing.
Moving on the Ron Paul: This picture says it all. This guy has NOT given up. No matter what the media says, no matter what the talking heads are telling us, no matter what the newspapers say, Ron Paul is not gone, he is not done and he has not lost. He is acquiring more delegates than the media will report and there are more delegates that will be at the state conventions voting for him than there are delegates willing to vote for Mittens a 2nd time. All of the delegates are now UNBOUND and can now vote for who they really want. So far, Ron Paul has won most, if not all, of the delegates in Iowa, Colorado, Minnesota, Michigan, Oklahoma, Florida, Nevada, Maine, Massachusetts and OMG I hate this stupid piece of shit computer!!! Every time I open another window to make sure I'm getting the facts right and list the correct states and correct quotes, it freezes up on me!! (#*$&%$(#$*!#%*(!!!! My point is that Ron Paul is winning more delegates than Romney is and no one is being honest about it except websites like the Daily Caller or The Blaze or Drudgereport or The American Dream. This is for FREDRICK the pain in my ass tonight on Facebook. HERE'S YOUR WEBSITE, DORK!
There, dork, now get off my ass. I've proven to you my point but you can't prove yours to me so get movin'!
Anyhoo, Ron Paul just keeps working to win those delegates that are really what counts in this race. Romney doesn't have them and the MSM knows it. I will continue to work my ass off for this man and hope that I can change minds before time to vote. I will also be going to the state convention all next week! I am an alternate delegate #5 and that means that there is a 99.9% chance that I will be bumped up to a full delegate and be able to cast my vote for rules and nominations and platforms. Most importantly, for president. This will be my first convention and I will be blogging about it as I go through the process. It will be interesting and I hope that more and more people get fed up like me and decide to become a part of things to truly make a difference and a positive change. My election for Precinct Chair doesn't happen until the last week of July so I have time to prepare for that as well. This is going to be a very interesting summer. If my man doesn't win, I will be heartbroken and I will have to cast my vote to get rid of Obama for Obama-Lite. Picking the lesser of two evils is never easy but hopefully we can put more constitituional conservatives in the senate and take the majority there, too. That way, if Odumbo is re-elected, at least the two chambers can sort of control what he does. And if he decides to continue to legislate with executive orders, which is illegal, maybe - just maybe - someone in the senate will finally have the balls and the numbers to begin proceedings to impeach. I swear to God, if Ron Paul pulls a Ronad Reagan, I will explode into a million pieces of happy and rain glitter down from the Heavens above!!
That's my rant for this evening. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your week. I will be back in a couple of days. Much love to all and God Bless America!
Yeppers, people, it's that time again! We all need to get out there and vote for the truest conservative members of our communities (if you're a conservative) or whomever it is you think would be best for the jobs they are running for. I have placed my votes and will continue to promote the people that I think will hold themselves accountable and that have ONLY the best interests of our local, state and federal governments at heart. Those who truly care about what happens to us all; white, black, hispanic, asian - ALL AMERICANS!
For the past two weeks, I have been handing out push cards for the Tarrant Country GOP Chair, Jennifer Hall, going door-to-door in the blazing heat. I really don't mind it because I am an athletic person and I like going door-to-door just to meet all the interesting people. Here's my shout out to Jen Hall:
This lady and her hubby are two really neat people. I love what she's done for the party and I hope she can continue to do some great things for the county office. She doesn't get paid for what she does, she volunteers her time, and it takes a LOT of time and she loves what she does. Kudos, Jen. You go girl!
As I have been participating in her campaign, I have also filed to run for precinct chair in my precinct. My 'hood, if you will. I will write more about that later because my election run-off doesn't even happen til July 31st so I will have plenty of time to bitch and complain about all the work I'll be doing.
Going door-to-door has been quite an eye opener. So far, I really like the people I have spoken with and I have made some good connections. People in my neighborhood association, people that don't get out much, elderly ladies that like to chat - one actually invited me in her home and before I left, insisted I come in and see what her daughter had done to her master bedroom, LOL. I love her! What a sweet woman. Some people have been less than friendly and that's ok. They all seem to be wary of who's standing on their doorstep. So would I.
One thing that really sticks out, though, is the fact that there are so many people that DON'T know what's going on and that DON'T follow what is happening to our state, country, etc.. They don't know that laws have been passed that take away their rights to free speech, due process and their privacy. When I tell them what's been happening, they can't believe it and tell me that they are going to look these things up. That's when I know I've reached someone and they just might get involved. Some want to only vote straight ticket and I try to tell them that's a no-no and beg them to please look up the people on the ticket and do their own research. Some give me their own perspective on what's going on. I can't decide if it's humorous or scary or just plain weird. Another thing, though, that makes me happy is the fact that there are a LOT of people that DO know what's going on and they DO want to get involved but just don't know how. That's where I come in! :-) I think I have recruited some newbies ( I hope) and they don't shy away when I mention that I love Ron Paul and that he is MY personal choice, not necessarily the choice of those I am walking for. But they don't care (YES!), they want to help and one lady in particular who came from Canada is begging to be able to share her experiences in socialized healthcare and how it hurt her family. I have also met some that are way out in space. I think the most heartbreaking things I see are people who haven't left their homes in years. People that are scared and alone and afraid to go outside so they hole themselves up and never come out. Those are the people I want to reach the most. But, they don't want to be bothered and that is their right and I will respect it......after trying a t least 3 times to engage them. :-D
So get out there and vote, everyone! Get involved! Get angry! Get even! But most important, let's get out country back!
DISCLAIMER: First I want to say before I begin, that this is not a gay bashing blog. I have had many gay friends over the course of my life and I have loved all of them with the exception of one particular woman who was so butch, I thought she would eventually murder me and a couple of other people I know. No joke. Thank God I haven't seen that chick since 1991! I also remember, because of our ages, how hard it was for my gay friends to come out of the closet to their friends and especially their families. Some of them were welcomed with acceptance and open arms and some were abandoned by those they loved, even the parents that raised them. The girl that was mean really had good reason to be. I heard the things her drunk mother would say to her on the phone and the horrible, HORRIBLE, messages she would leave on her answering machine. No wonder T was so angry - her own parents were calling her terrible names like whore, slut, dyke and the C U Next Tuesday word. My other good, good friend, J, also had a difficult relationship with his mom after coming out to his parents and she never did really accept it until he passed away. The guilt is hard for her to overcome for the lost time between her and her son. Those were hard times for them but I always let my gay friends know that no matter what, I was still there for them. I still loved them and cared about them and that one day, it would hardly be an issue. Not one of them really cared about being able to marry their loves when they got older, they were more worried about losing their loved ones than anything else. What really threw me was that some of the parents were so unforgiving, that they made it well known the love for their child was totally conditional - something I cannot even fathom. So, with that being said, I love, love, love my gay friends, I use the F word with the utmost respect when I talk to them (because I have gay friends and that's just what we do when we're together, lol) and I wish them all the happiness in their lives because they deserve it just as much as anyone else. But there is something that they should know about Obama's "evolution". Some of the gays see right through him while some of them see nothing but rainbows over the man's head that are taking the place of his messiah halo. Haha.
The only reason Obama has come out as a supporter for gay marriage is two reasons: 1) Idiot Joe Biden threw him under the bus and 2) it's election year and he needs your votes and will do and say whatever he has to do to get them. Hell, the minute he came out with his new stance, he went to George Clooney's fundraiser and they raised 9 million dollars in 90 minutes for his presidential campaign. No one is taking him to task over that, of course. When Obama campaigned in 2008, he campaigned a lot his support of gay rights. He also campaigned on the rights of the hispanics and illegals and if you will remember, once he took office, he completely "forgot" about those groups of voters. He had no intention of doing anything for either group. Why do you think he's waited this long to say anything?? He has said in the past, he does not believe in or support gay marriage. He's been all over the board with this subject and is usually punting the issue down the road hoping the gay voters will forget about it. I understand the need for gay people to be "equal" and to have the same rights as everyone else but here's what they don't seem to understand: gay marriage, or any kind of marriage, IS NOT A FEDERAL ISSUE! NOR IS IT A STATE ISSUE! This is an issue of individual liberty and the church. The government does not perform weddings, unless one takes place at a JP court. The government has no right to tell you or anyone else who can get married and who cannot. So why are you guys looking to your president when it comes to a non-issue like this? What do you think he's supposed to do about it? What can he do about it? NOTHING! 37 states have banned gay marriage and Obama cannot tell them to lift that ban. The Supreme Court will rule that under the 10th amendment, the state is the one that makes the deciding decision. Although, it's really not a state issue, either - or shouldn't be. If they want to be intolerant, they have that right as it may be against the religion of the majority of the people but it's not a big deal to travel to a state that allows gay marriage and just get married there. Again, this is an issue that should only be dealt with by the church. There are many gay churches that are willing to perform a gay marriage ceremony, just pick one! As far as my above comment about gay people just want the same rights as the rest of us, here's a thought: the constitution already affords you that equality. So does the Declaration of Independence:
I was looking for some good pictures of gays celebrating on google, but I quickly found out you should NEVER google just the word gay people, LOL! I had to put my hands over the screen because the kids were in the room with all the soft porn that showed up, hahaha! So I looked up gay people celebrating and I liked these pictures. I also liked this one below. It had a certain "We're MARRIED NOW, bitchez" so here it is:
Here's another thought I people in this country think they have it bad? They really don't. I found a picture on the net of 2 Iraqi men that had been tortured and stoned to death because of their homosexuality but the pics are so bad, I'm not going to post them. Once you see pictures like that, you realize how good homosexuals really have it in this country. Yes, there are hate crimes, but most people are very tolerable because it's not that big an issue anymore. Being a conservative, I can honestly say that I don't know many conservative people that are horrified at the thought of gay people or gay marriage. That's just the point I'm trying to make - no one care's if you're gay or not. No matter what the democrats and the media say, we conservatives could really care less if you are gay or not. If you're a nice person and do nice things, that is ALL that matters. Yes, the old guard republicans don't want that,the baptists don't want that and there will always be people on all political and demographical (is that a word) sides that don't even want to recognize it. But conservatives like me and younger ones and, yes, even the 50 somethings are perfectly fine with gay people. Lots of gay men and women have a truer heart that your typical heterosexual asshole friends. Everyone, everywhere knows and has at least one gay friend and are perfectly fine with it. Why does the government have to make it a bigger issue than it really is?? They are bound and determined to cause division and hate and keep everyone arguing about things that don't mean shit right now. They've done with this the ridiculous "war on women" and the completely insane "repubs want to take away your birth control" fight, the racial bullshit and a few other issues that have had nothing to do with the state of this country and yet everyone wants to focus on this and report only on this issue - that isn't even an issue!!! They were simply ideas that have been blown out of proportion to get people talking about those things rather than the real and urgent issues that must be dealt with NOW!
Nevertheless, this has made many gay people around the country ecstatic and some of these people will actually base their support for Obama based on this ONE issue alone. ONE non-issue! So now that we have had all of our celebrating and all of the talking about Obama's "evolution" and all of the celebrities coming out of the woodwork to support his fake stance on gay marriage, can we please, PLEASE, get back to the real problems our country is having? You know, the problems that are about to bring the USA to her knees? The laws Obummer has passed that blatantly violate literally half of our constitutional rights? The rights that set us apart from any other country in the world? When you are done eating your cake and singing and dancing and being your wonderful, lovely, gay selves, then maybe we can get back to more important things such as:
The inevitable collapse of our monetary system
The Federal Reserve
17% unemployment
The economy
The debt
The deficit
The 5 trillion dollar budget Obama's trying to pass
China getting the OK from the feds to take over the first US bank - EVER
The 4 illegal wars we are in right now and losing innocent lives fighting for nothing
Repealing NDAA, CISPA, HR347, Patriot act and the TSA and much, much more!
In other words, the TYRANNY we are facing each and every day
Once you start talking about these things, democratic support falls sharply. Doesn't anyone understand that all of the things I mentioned above are gravely important and when that happens, gay marriage won't even be a thought in anyone's head - survival will. And when things turn bloody and violent, and they will, you better trade the rainbow flag and for a rainbow gun and get ready to protect the one thing that truly matters more than anything: yourself.
Save your country. Otherwise, prepare to suffer some serious, serious consequences. If our dollar completely collapses, how am I supposed to go out for happy hour with my gay friends??
P.S. Here is a video of Ron Paul addressing gay marriage. You will enjoy it!