But apparently not as busy as the feds have been! ;-)
I have also gotten burned out on blogging but so much has been happening lately, I should be blogging like crazy about all the fuckery that's been going on. So let's recap:
Immigration: The democrats' new "Obamacare". Over 1000 pages, no one other than the GANG of 8, has read it all the way through, except Ted Cruz and Rand Paul probably, and it's filled with more pork sandwiches than a Louisiana BBQ! There is actually a provision in this bill that says the IRS can fine any company $5000 for hiring a citizen over an illegal alien. How is that protecting America? American workers? So forget the citizens that are actually paying for all this stuff, let's just give the illegals everything their hearts desire. Let's give them citizenship, let's open the borders and the floodgates, let's give them free healthcare, free education, free and/or discounted housing and transportation, dental and food and first crack at all the job opportunities this country has to offer (which isn't much these days). Yes, that is the answer to illegal immigration! This law blatantly violates our constitution just like every other law that has been passed the last 8 years. This is not protection of the borders, this is not protecting our country. This will kill us. Right now, because of Obamacare, most jobs are temp jobs or part time jobs so that companies won't have to provide the healthcare insurance that the govt promised would be more affordable. Since the exact opposite has happened - surprise - and premiums have doubled and even tripled, companies are doing what they have to do to cut costs and benefits to employees. So let's penalize American companies even more with this $5000 penalty for hiring citizens instead of illegals. The other part of this bill I can't get my head around is the fact that there is a provision for unions in the hospitality industry that will give 30,000 visas to the low and/or no-skilled worker ( the ones that speak ZERO English and can't read or write English, either) so they can work for hotels and other hospitality businesses. So let's think about that: the govt is going to grant 30,000 visas specifically for this industry which means 30,000 people MUST work in that industry if they want to come here. They get their visa if they come clean up after people, cook for people, do their laundry, etcetera. I wonder when the illegals will catch on to the fact that this is a form of slavery. Not only is this tyranny at it's best, it is economic and physical slavery and the illegals, since they don't speak, read or write any English, cannot read this law for themselves let alone understand any of it.
Marco Rubio has turned out to be a classless twit that needs to go and funny enough, his state is setting up a recall to yank his ass out of Congress, hehee. Here is that link here . Go, Florida! I wrote a post on making a recall law for Texas much like the one that other states, such as Montana and Florida have but of course, no lawmaker in Texas wants to touch it with a ten foot pole.
Anyway, here's a solution to the immigration problem - ENFORCE THE LAWS WE ALREADY HAVE ON THE BOOKS AND IN THE CONSTITUTION!!!! YOU DON'T NEED NEW LAWS WHEN YOU REFUSE TO FOLLOW THE CURRENT LAWS!!! Seriously, folks! The only reform that needs to be made is actually following the laws we have!! Those laws would work just fine if they gave it a try! Fucking maniacs!
I only have one question: When did WE become the enemy? When did the citizens of this country become the bad guys? I don't recall any American citizen flying planes into those buildings or our pentagon or chanting "Death to America" up and down our streets. I don't recall any American citizen, except for the freak in Fort Hood, Major Nidal Hasan - a Muslim-American, mind you, conspiring or causing any murder or mayhem in this country. I don't think we need to trade OUR liberties or OUR rights for the false security the government is trying to sell. There's no way they can keep us completely safe from harm and I don't want to live in a country that is restricting my freedom. I was born free and grew up free and now I am a prisoner in my own home. From Smart Meters to Red Light Cameras, they know our every move. Another blow to our constitutional rights. Rand is supposed to be challenging this at the Supreme Court level and I hope - I know - he will win it for us. I just wish it would be moving along a little faster in the courts. The people that love this country and have fought for this country and our rights are under fire from our own government and that is wrong. They - WE - have been falsely lumped in with terrorists for simply speaking out against the government. This isn't America anymore. We are no longer free. This and the Immigration issues alone should be a big contributor to a revolt and not a peaceful one, either. Enough is enough!
As far as Edward Snowden is concerned, I think he's a hero! I really do! The media and our government have made this guy out to be a traitor - a Benedict Arnold, if you will, only there's a key component missing from that description: He didn't give this information to any enemy of this country, he gave this information TO THE PEOPLE! He blew the whistle on the government violating our rights so badly and he didn't want to live in a country that illegally obtained personal and private information on every person in this country through an illegal law signed by Bush II. It's gotta make you think that if an American citizen has to seek protection from the US Govt. in places like China or Russia, something is seriously fucked up. Used to be people came here to escape persecution and tyranny. They don't do that anymore. The media has done it's best to paint Snowden as a traitor and have even gone so far as to claim that Snowden has in his possession secret government documents and other programs that he could be giving to our enemies in exchange for protection. They don't have a fucking CLUE what Snowden has in his possession and is only reporting this nonsense so that we will think he's giving away top secret information that will ultimately lead to some sort of attack. I call bullshit on that one. No worries - Obama will make sure Snowden is taken out and will probably do it with a drone strike. No warrant needed. No trial. No due process. And the media won't waste their time reporting it.
Free speech? A thing of the past? Apparently so, if you're Paula Dean. So, if you said the word "nigger" at any time in your life, you are subject to immediate termination, so says Target, Sears, Wal Mart, QVC, her publisher, Ballantine Books and a few other companies that market and carry her brand. Well, I guess most of the people in this country should be fired, then, right?
What about all the rappers that use "nigger" in their songs? In their every day conversations? What about black people that say "cracker" or "honkey" to a white person? What about a black person on a TV show that has the line "..don't you be turning out to be like no white girl!", as if that's a bad thing? What if that line had been "don't you turn out to be like no black girl!"? I believe there would be one heck of a crap storm! So should the writer also be held accountable and lose his or her job? The answer is simple: HELL NO!
We have this thing called the 1st amendment which protects our right to speak as freely and as stupidly as we like. I, for one, will continue to use my rights to free speech and I will not fear anyone or anything and I will defend anything and everything I say. See, free speech is a good thing because if you do choose to use certain words that are offensive to most people, they're going to drop you and you will have no friends and no outlet for blogging. This will then force you to think about what you say before you say it making you accountable and responsible for your actions. Most people learn a lesson this way. But, good Lord, getting fired from all of your jobs and to be publicly lynched for something you said?? 25 years ago??? What is wrong with this country??? These companies??? I plan to boycott any business that fires or drops a brand for someone speaking freely - no matter how stupid or offensive it is! Let ME be the judge of that and let me buy my Goddamn Paula Dean cookware and books and videos from your store!
How about the Texas teen who's been in jail since March for making a joke about shooting up a school of kids and "eating their still beating hearts."? He was playing a video game that you can play at the same time with other people who are all over the country and he was being sarcastic. He's facing 8 years in prison. You can read that story here .
Seriously - don't take this lightly! These are Gestapo tactics and they are working! If this country thinks things like this are ok, we'll all be out of a job and on welfare or in jail. Or is that the plan? Hmm....a conspiracy!! (yes, I'm kidding). You can call me anything you want. I have the power to let make me angry or not or offended or not. I don't care what you call me, just don't call me a democrat or dishonest or a racist and everything will be ok. However, if you do feel the need to call me names, be prepared to be challenged. Verbally, not physically. I'm a runner, not a fighter. ;-)
So let's put this all together: No more borders. No protection of citizens' rights. No free speech protection. No privacy. No protection of our right to due process. For Hannah's friends: Do you want to live in a country that says you're free but takes your freedom in the name of "security" or "the right thing to do"? Then quit cheering people like Wendy Davis who continually vote to fuck up this country. LOOK at all of the issues instead of just one. There's nothing worse or more stupid than a person that is a one-issue voter. Think about your rights. Think about how this country managed to become the freest, most powerful and most successful country on the planet in the 1900s and how it's been dragged through shit for the last 13 years! It doesn't take long to lose something so precious as freedom if you only make your choices based on one issue.
I would love feedback so feel free to speak freely here. I welcome all of your questions and comments.
OK, wait just a minute, I forgot to add one more thing: This crap here....
This DOUCHE-CANOE has decided to award Hilary Clinton the Liberty Medal. Really! The LIBERTY MEDAL!! So, I guess the way to get a Liberty award is to allow the Middle East to literally catch fire while you get smashed and party your way all over the world and then let your Libyan Ambassador get ambushed and killed while refusing any backup or rescue team to go in and stop the murder of Chris Stevens and 3 other Americans. I had no idea allowing these things to happen were considered "liberty". And this bastard is in the running for our next president? OH HELL NO! Smh..... read the story here .